Noël is engineer in instrumentation and experimental methods at the CNRS, in biomedical field and molecular caracterisation. He began his career in 1991 by joining the Antimitotic Laboratory of the Pierre Fabre Pharmaceutical Group in Pau. In 1992, he obtained a position in NMR at the Bordeaux Faculty of Pharmacy. He joined, in 1998, the Pharmaceutical Engineering Department of Sanofi laboratories in Vitry-sur-Seine. In 2000, he took a humanitarian break to work for the American Red Cross of Massachussetts in Boston, then for Pharmaciens-Sans-Frontières and Médecins-du-Monde in Montpellier, before returning, in 2002, to the Bordeaux Faculty of Pharmacy. He joined the European Institute of Chemistry and Biology (IECB) in Pessac, in 2004, to set up a new team in molecular biology and macromolecular crystallography. He then joined, in 2008, the analytical platform of the Institute of Molecular Sciences (ISM) in Talence as an expert in NMR and where he developed crystallography and X-ray diffraction.
In 2016, with Yannick Crémillieux, he founded the Molecular MRI team for the development of methodologies and instrumentation in the field of molecular and metabolic MRI.
He is a consultant in microcrystallography and molecular characterization by x-ray and NMR for several medicinal chemistry laboratories in France.
Noël is coautor of 67 scientifics publications, 120 scientifics communications and 2 patents.
Main Hight Light Publications
A Recyclable Catalytic Dendrimer Nanoreactor for Part-Per-Million CuI Catalysis of “Click” Chemistry in Water
Deraedt, C., Pinaud, N., Astruc, D.
Journal of American Chemical Society, 2014, 136(34), 12092-12098
Structure – function analysis of hRPC62 provides insights into RNA polymerase III
Lefèvre, S. ; Dumay-Odelot, H. ; El-Ayoubi, L. ; Budd, A. ; Legrand, P. ; Pinaud, N. ; Teichman, M, Fribourg S.
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 2011, 18, 352-358
In vivo online magnetic resonance quantification of absolute metabolite concentrations in microdialysate
S. Glöggler, S. Rizzitelli, N. Pinaud, G. Raffard, V. Zhendre, V. Bouchaud, S. Sanchez, A. Wong, Y. Crémillieux
Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, pp36080
Converting Potent Indeno[1,2-b]indole Inhibitors of Protein Kinase CK2 into Selective Inhibitors of the Breast Cancer Resistance Protein ABCG2
G. J. Gozzi, Z. Bouaziz, E. Winter, N. Daflon-Yunes, A. Nacereddine, C. Marminon, G. Valdameri, W. Zeinyeh, A. Bollacke, J. Guillon, A. Lacoudre, N. Pinaud, S. M. Cadena, J. Jose, M. Le Borgne, and A. Di Pietro
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, 58 (1), pp 265-277
T1 mapping using MPRAGE acquisitions: application to the measurement of the concentration of theranostics agents in tumors
A. Lavielle, F. Boux, J. Deborne, N. Pinaud, S. Dufort, C. Verry, S. Grand, I. Tropres, C. Vecco-Garda. G. Le Duc, S. Mornet and Y. Crémillieux
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2022, DOI: 10.1002/jmri.28509
Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy on sub-microliter volume in rat brain using implantable NMR microcoils
J. Deborne, N. Pinaud, Y. Crémillieux
NMR in Biomedecine, 2021, 34(10), e4578
V Choesmel, S Fribourg, AH Aguissa-Touré, N Pinaud, P Legrand, Hanna T Gazda, Pierre-Emmanuel Gleizes
Human molecular genetics, 2008, 17 (9), 1253-1263
On the spontaneous carboxylation of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium-acetate by carbon dioxide
M. Besnard, M.-I. Cabaço, F. Vaca Chavez, N. Pinaud, P. J. Sebastiao, J. A. P. Coutinho and Y. Danten
Chemical Communications, 2012, 48(9), 1245-1247
Structure of CstF-77 homodimer provides insights into CstF assembly
P. Legrand, N. Pinaud, L. Minvielle-Sé́bastia, S. Fribourg
Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, 35,(13), 4515–4522