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Main Hight Light Publications


T1 mapping using MPRAGE acquisitions: application to the measurement of the concentration of theranostics agents in tumors

A. Lavielle, F. Boux, J. Deborne, N. Pinaud, S. Dufort, C. Verry, S. Grand, I. Tropres, C. Vecco-Garda. G. Le Duc, S. Mornet and Y. Crémillieux

Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2022, DOI: 10.1002/jmri.28509


NANO-GBM trial of AGuIX nanoparticles with radiotherapy and temozolomide in the treatment of newly diagnosed Glioblastoma: Phase 1b outcomes and MRI-based biodistribution

J. Biau, X. Durando, F. Boux, I. Molnar, J. Moreau, B. Leyrat, F. Guillemin, A. Lavielle, Y. Cremillieux, K. Seddik, S. Dufort, O. De Beaumont, E. Thivat, G. Le Duc

Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology, 2024 (Vol. 48).


Quantitative brain T1-mapping derived from T1-weighted MRI acquisitions : a proof-of-concept study

Audrey Lavielle; Noël Pinaud; Bei Zhang; Yannick Crémillieux

European Radiology Experimental, 2024, (8), 109 - DOI: 10.1186/s41747-024-00517-2                                                                             



Audrey is a CIFRE PhD student supported by the company NH TherAguix. She graduated from Polytech Lyon biomedical engineering school in 2021 and she did her end-of-study internship in the Molecular MRI team. Then, she continued working with the team on a one-year engineering contract, working on MRI contrast agents based on iron oxide nanoparticles. She is currently a PhD student in the lab and is working on quantitative MRI of the biodistribution of gadolinium-based theranostic nanoparticles to assess their radiosensitizing effect.




Audrey is autor of 3 scientifics publications, 9 scientifics  communications.

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