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Yannick Crémillieux is a research director at the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique).

He received his Master's degree (atomic and nuclear physics) in 1991 and his Ph.D. in physics in 1994 in the field of magnetic resonance imaging from the University of Lyon.

After a postdoctoral position at Dartmouth College (NH, USA), he was recruited as a CNRS researcher in 1995.

He carried out his research activities from 1995 to 2011 on the campus of the University of Lyon and since 2011 on the Life Sciences campus of the University of Bordeaux. During these years of activity in Lyon and Bordeaux, he has been in charge of research teams, including the Molecular MRI team currently based in Bordeaux.

One of his main research topics is the biomedical applications of hyperpolarized nuclei. He was director of the French research group (GDR) on hyperpolarized nuclei and coordinator of PHeLINet (Polarized Helium Lung Imaging Network), funded by the European Union and dedicated to methodological developments and preclinical and clinical applications of hyperpolarized helium lung imaging.

Current research topics of the "Molecular MRI" team include the use of MRI theranostic agents, the development of MRI-based theranostic devices, and lung MRI


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